People Solutions for Animal People
Building Resilient
Animal Care Teams
Human Behaviour:
Animal Outcomes
Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
We work with you to build a bespoke programme bringing our unique industry experience to your specific team challenges, to help improve the longevity, wellbeing, productivity and success of your team, your clinic and your community.
How Can We Help Your Animal Care Team Thrive?
Training and coaching in resilience specifically for animal care professionals
Development of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills
Real-life, genuine tools from someone who actually understands you and your team; no corporate buzzwords or tick-box hoops to jump through
Delivered by an experienced coach and veterinarian with qualifications in positive psychology and business, as well as extensive experience managing shelters and animal management teams
Practical, authentic approach from someone who understands that many in our profession don't like the "fluffy stuff" until it's too late
One-off, ongoing or support through times of change
"It's time to embrace a positive new future of people management, one which offers our teams what they need from us so that they can help our profession thrive in return."
Dr. Jessica Moore-Jones
Coach, consultant and strategist
Human Behaviour : Animal Outcomes
Using the science and art of human psychology to improve outcomes for the animals in our community
If you want your animal shelter, council or veterinary clinic to actually have an impact on the animals in our community, we must first work out how to get the most out of the people who care for them.
Passion for animals drives most of us in the animal industry. However, we must acknowledge that the welfare of animals is profoundly influenced by the actions of the people caring for them.
Our ability to help animals is intrinsically tied to our capacity to affect positive behavioral change in individuals and communities.
From improving adoption rates to microchipping cats, from weight management in dogs to antimicrobial use on farms, it is our skill at understanding and changing human behaviour that best predicts the likelihood of improving outcomes for animals.
The reality is that few of us can help animals without the community doing their part; the future of animal welfare lies in improving human behaviour.
If you find yourself having the same conversations over and over, only to get the same results, this is for you.
If you keep doing the same thing each year, only with more effort and less resources, this is for you.
If the people who most need your help are the most likely to avoid it, then this is for you.
What can you expect in this programme?
Differentiate between compliance, education, and behaviour change
Understand how people DO make decisions, rather than how we think they should
Build community engagement programmes designed to build trust and engagement, even from those who normally resist
Actually get your clients to follow your recommendations and advice
Become a trusted advisor in your community, a sought after source of advice and support rather than a necessary but preferably avoidable service
Reduce your frustration and fatigue from people not doing the right thing by their animals
"It's tempting to believe that if people knew better, they would do better. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. If we want people to change their behaviours, we need to understand how humans DO work, rather than how we wish they did."
Dr. Jessica Moore-Jones
Coach, consultant and strategist